Am I Going Through a Second Puberty?

  • by Cinestie Olson

Written by Cinestie Olson

We all know what happens during puberty. You might get acne, mood swings, periods, body changes, emotional shifts, awkwardness, and so much more. You might think that the worst of those days are over, but have you experienced ANOTHER fluctuation in your body since then? We’re talking about the phenomenon of second puberties during your 20s… yes, it’s a thing.

Second puberties has been talked about extensively before, especially on TikTok - just check out these videos for more explanation. These videos talk about the physiological changes you can experience starting in your 20s. These changes can consist of adult acne, menstrual cycle changes, and body shape changes. 

“In my late 20s, I’ve definitely noticed changes in my body that have made me feel like I’m going through another puberty… I’ve experienced hormonal imbalances, aging skin, sensitivity to food, and more.”

- Maggie, 27, she/her

The Changes

Another puberty can happen during different ages of your life, not just your 20s! Below are some things you might experience in different parts of your life.

A Second Puberty in Your 20s is significant!! You start to become more independent and many challenges in your social and personal life will come up. You might feel more anxious and/or depressed during this as, naturally, humans aren’t a fan of change!

  • Bone Mass and Muscles: your bones and muscles tend to become the strongest in your 20s.
  • Weight: Your weight may fluctuate and start to look different than when you were a teenager (it’s totally normal). You might notice your body changing its physical shape too!
  • Stretch Marks: Your body is growing and will continue to grow from your first puberty. The elasticity of your skin changes, and stretch marks can show up when you experience weight changes, bone and muscle changes, and height changes!
  • Acne: Yep… Acne still happens after high school! The changes in hormones you experience in your twenties can be responsible for adult acne. Nearly 50% of people aged 21 - 27 experience an increase in acne.
  • Menstrual Cycle: due to hormonal changes, you may notice your menstrual cycle becoming more regular, or become irregular. This is because your 20s are when you are most fertile!

“Honestly, I just feel like I’ve come out of a cocoon, and I’ve unlocked my ‘real adult’ body.”

- Siara, they/them

A reminder that we’re not going to look like how we did in our teenage years when we hit our first puberty. Here’s to loving our growing body in all of its phases <3

Have you experienced a second puberty?


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