end period poverty

  • by Sam Adrian

What is period poverty?

It’s a human rights violation in which people who menstruate cannot afford or do not have access to period necessities (products, medical care, etc.).

Who does this affect?

Poverty affects 42 million women every year, in the US alone. 66% of low-income women were unable to afford period products and 33% struggled to afford period products, according to a 2019 study (Smith, A). Menstruators cannot use food stamps, Medicaid, or health insurance to purchase period products. 

What can we do?

We believe that period products should be available to all menstruators. Unfortunately, period products can be expensive and are STILL taxed as “luxury goods” in 30 states. This affects menstruators who are low-income, experiencing homelessness, and incarcerated.

Thankfully, there are ways that YOU can get involved to help bring awareness to and help combat period poverty. To help end the “Tampon Tax,” that still affects menstruators in 30 states, learn how to protest the tampon tax here. To support our efforts within the US, you can purchase products from our “End Period Poverty” Merch, in which 20% of all proceeds go to help someone experiencing period poverty through PERIOD’s services. We have partnered with PERIOD to ensure that your donation is distributed to people in need.


We learned that PERIOD had a mission that aligned with our vision. PERIOD is a global non-profit organization fighting to end period poverty and stigma through service, education, and advocacy. PERIOD has chapters nationwide that host product drives for communities in need. This is why we chose to partner with them, as we feel that they complement our efforts! Check them out here.



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