Newest Blogs

  • Why Is My Period So Irregular?

    Periods usually last around 3-7 days, however, it doesn’t always run like clockwork. As menstruators, we can be left guessing when our period will come, how heavy the...

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  • What Is PMDD?

    You may know that period pain is not normal! We aren’t just talking about physical symptoms either, but also the emotional and mentally straining pain that can come...

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  • Celebrating Menstruation Around the World

    Think back to the first time you got your period… Most of us were probably unprepared for the lifelong stigma and taboos that came along with menstruation. Imagine...

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  • The Many Phases of Your Menstrual Cycle

    Us menstruators know that our period is inevitable every month, and it usually comes with a never ending list of symptoms. However, did you know that the entire...

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  • The New Wave of Reusability

    In the 21st century, isn’t it about time we throw away the disposable period products ~officially~ and turn over a new leaf? Today, there are so many options...

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  • Black History Month: Influential Black Menstruators

    Every year, February is recognized worldwide as Black History Month. Without the Black community and culture, industries like music, literature, politics, period care, and so much more would...

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  • Periods in School

    Do you remember the first time you got your period? Were you unprepared, scared, or nervous? If you answered yes, then you’re not alone because nearly half of...

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  • Embracing My Shark Week

    Have you ever been asked if it was your “time of the month,” or if you were participating in “shark week?” Or what about “riding the crimson wave?”...

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  • Celebrating Sunny’s Women Owners

    October isn’t just about celebrating Halloween and fall festivities, it's also National Women’s Small Business Month! In case you haven’t heard, Sunny’s very own co-founders, Cindy Belardo and...

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  • Period Blood Colors & What They Mean

    Period blood comes in many different colors, and those colors can tell us a lot about our bodies! Let’s dive into a few of the period blood colors you...

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