Sustainable Period Products: What works best for you?

  • by Cindy Belardo

Globally, 7 billion tampons and 12 billion pads go into landfills/sewage systems each year.

Written by Natalie Bronfine

We all know the importance of shifting into a more sustainable lifestyle, so why not start with period products? After all, a menstruator uses 5,000-15,000 tampons and pads throughout their period life. Periods aren’t one-size-fits-all, so let's see what sustainable products work best for you!

Reusable Pad

Made of plastic and toxin free organic cotton, this is a great option for pad lovers everywhere! This is also a great option for your first foray into sustainable period products, and they work great for even the heaviest flow.

Period Underwear

Comfortable, leakproof, and great for day or night, period underwear has become more and more popular the past few years. Knix offers kits as well as options for super and light flows, so you will definitely be able to find a pair that works for you!

Biodegradable Pads & Tampons

Most pads take 500-800 years to decompose. Pads and tampons from August are completely biodegradable, and made of organic cotton! This is an amazing option if you aren’t quite ready to get rid of your disposable period products. 

Applicator-free Tampons

Did you know that applicator-free tampons are the norm in most places in the world outside of the United States? While they may look intimidating, this is a transition that will allow you to get rid of that plastic applicator that we all hate to love!

Period Cup

Although making the switch to a menstrual cup may be intimidating, the Sunny Cup + Applicator is the perfect solution to avoid those horror stories you may have heard from your friends who have tried (and failed) to make a switch towards sustainability. Comfort, affordability, long term wear, and an easy insertion process because of our Sunny Cup + Applicator are just a few of the benefits, aside from having a smaller environmental footprint. Preorder the Sunny Cup + Applicator today and make the switch towards sustainability!


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