Newest Blogs

  • Period News You Should Know About

    A lot has happened in the world of periods in the last few months, ranging from laws that require free period products in schools to the creation of...

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  • Presents for Period Problems: Gift Guide for Menstruators

    We’ve created a list of products for the menstruators in your life based on their period problems.

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  • What Is Menstrual Leave? (and Why Should We Have It??)

    Though menstruation is normal and healthy, it can also bring uncomfortable side effects like bloating, cramping, mood swings, and so much more. It’s safe to say that a...

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  • Not Just Women Have Periods

    Not all women have periods, and not all people who have periods are women. It’s time to start providing inclusivity, especially in the period care space!

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  • Butt Cramps (The Silent Period Symptom)

    It’s a fact that menstruators all have extremely different cycles. We go through different flows, different products, and have different symptoms. Now, there are some common or universal...

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